Immature *The Story* Immature is a music group made up of 3 young (and sexy) men! Marques "Batman" Houston, Jerome "Romeo" Jones, and Kelton "L.D.B" Kessee.

It had all started in the year 1992 when the hip music group "Immature" waz born! Their first single waz Tear It Up, which waz on the BeBe's Kids soundtrack. Later they came out with teir first cd On Our Worst Behavior.
To promote their album, Immature had played in the movie House Party 3 and had roles on the TV show A Different World. Things had not worked out. Their album had flopped and the record company theyy were with (Virgin Records) had drooped them.
Immature then came back in 1994. They had a new record company, MCA Records, and a new member, L.D.B.(You see before ldb was in the group Don "Half Pint" Santos waz in it. he had left though, because his parents thought his music carear waz making him miss out on more important things. i mean his waz only 8 years at the time, so you can see why his parents were concerned.) That year they had released their second album Playtime Is Over.
Immature released 3 singles from that cd, I Don't Mind, Never Lie, and Constanly. The biggest single was Never Lie which went from #98 to #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. The album itself went platinum.
That same year Batman Had gotten a role as Roger Evans on the hit TV show Sister,Sister.

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